Yes in My Backyard: Tactics for Overcoming NIMBY Sentiment

Despite the need for development in corridors and emerging urban neighborhoods throughout a community, there is always some pushback from neighbors, called NIMBY-ism (Not In My Back Yard), when the development being proposed is in their neighborhood. Indeed, in one...

22 Years Of Impacting Positive Social Change Through Real Estate

Twenty-two years ago, I opened the doors of my Nashville-based real estate company, Village Real Estate Services (VILLAGE). I didn’t want to follow a traditional business model for my company. I wanted VILLAGE to be different and create positive social change in the...

The Pattern That Connects

Some people run, others swim, read, bike, paint, hike, maybe you even do yoga. I juggle. Merriam-Webster defines a juggler as “one skilled in keeping several objects in motion in the air at the same time by alternately tossing and catching them.” This definition...

Nashville, It’s Time for Good Transit

“While walkability benefits from good transit, good transit relies absolutely on walkability.”  From One-Mile Radius- Building Community from the Core by Mark Deutschmann With Metro Nashville Council’s recent approval of the “Let’s Move Nashville” transit referendum,...

Building Community from the Core

The 12South Story: How to revitalize a community without losing friends and alienating groups “We should call it 12South,” I said, musing about how we could  revitalize and rebrand the community. I’ll always remember this moment. It was nothing huge, but pivotal in...