Strengthen your city’s core.
Activate and stimulate your neighborhood.

Mark Deutschmann is fluent in the language of community.

An eye towards the future

Mark Deutschmann is an advocate for strong, connected, and sustainable local communities and is a key player in the revitalization of Nashville’s most in-demand urban neighborhoods. Mark is a visionary with an eye towards the future of urban living and aims to plan, build, and revive neighborhoods that are magnetic, providing aspects that residents look for in a healthy and environmentally conscious community.

One-Mile Radius

Mark’s book, One-Mile Radius: Building Community From the Core, is a personal manifesto, relaying countless experiences throughout his life that led he and his team to transform Nashville’s urban landscape. Mark’s mission is to spread the word about how neighbors, leaders, and activists can collaborate to build continuously growing and thriving communities.

One Mile Radius Book Cover


Mark also spreads his message through a series of keynote presentations on a range of topics including activating and stimulating neighborhoods, creating urban magnets, trail-oriented development, community collaboration, sustainability, urban real estate sales strategies, and many others.

Learn more about Mark as a presenter here

In The Media